ME!( ^∀^)

Hi! How are you? Let me introduce you about myself!

My name is Reydivaswara Rahmarsha. You can call me Odiv. I'm 15 years old. I was born on July 7th 2004. My house is next to Taman Sinai. I live in Berlian Street Number 16. I live with my mom, my brother, my cousin, my auntie, my uncle, my grandma, and my grandpa. 

My mom is an entrepreneur, she has her own catering company. My brother is a student, he studied at Kartika Candra 3 SHS. He is in 11th grade. I have 2 cousin, my cousin is also a student. They studied at Al-Azhar Elementary School. The elder one is in 3rd grade and her sister is in 1th grade. My auntie or my cousin mother is a manager of BNI and my uncle or my cousin father is a manager of BCA. My grandma is a housewife and her husband is a retiree. 

What about me? When I’m 4th and 5th, I studied at Bina Harapan 1 Elementary School. When I’m 6th to 11th I’m studied at 7 JHS. Now, I’m studied at 3 SHS, Bandung. I’m on grade 10, X MIPA 4. In 3 SHS I followed 4 extracurricular. Extracurricular that I followed is Sped, Jepret, Band, and Foster. In SPed I choose Public Speaking division, in Foster I choose manager position, Band and Jepret is my extracurricular that I think that is fun. On Elementary School, I’m a member of Bina Harapan  Pramuka. On JHS, I’m a member of Paduan Angklung 7. Why on SHS I wasn’t join Pramuka and KPA? I want to try a new things, yeah, I’m feel bored so fast. 

Oh, and now, I also a comittee of our school cultural festival, it is called “Marvanata”, umm, remember it is cultural festival, it is different of another school event. On Marvanata, my division is ticketing. Our task is sold as many tickets as possible. Why I choose ticketing? I want many people come to our cultural festival and tell them 3 SHS is also has a cultural festival that really introduces of our cultures, not just selling an artist. I have an experience of being a comittee, on JHS I become a comitte of our cultural festival, it is called “Voi Avasara”, on that event I become an event division.

Now, my hobby. My hobby is reading a book. But, I only read Indonesian Novel. I only read that one is because Indonesian Novel is easy to understand. I read a book because of school, I’m tired of a task that the teacher give. So, I read a book. If I read a book and the book is still make me think harder, I will stressed out. So, I choose a book that easy to understand. My favorite writer is Tere Liye, he is very very good at writing. His book is very good. All my friend said that his book is not good, his book is bored and too serious. But for me, his book is very good and the story that he made is very unpredictable, so if I read his book, I can’t stop if I don’t read until the end of the chapter. “Tentang Kamu” is my favorite book, it story is about a lawyer that looking an heir of a rich woman from Indonesia. The ending is very very gOoOoOOood!

Last, from the beginning, you all must he asked, why I called Odiv? My real name is Reydivaswara Rahmarsha. My mom named is Reiyne so she give me Rey. My mom want me to have a good voice as a diva, so she give me Diva. Last, Swara, Swara is take from Indonesian languange of sound, Suara. She has a big ambitions to make my voice sound good but my voice is still poor until right now huhu. Rahmarsha, my dad gave that name for me, because his name is Rahmad. So, where is the O came from? When I was young, like 2nd, I called Diva. One day on playgroup, my mom found that in my class are two people nammed Diva, me and my friend. So, that day my mom think what named that she will give to me so that I have not the same name as other. Yeah, then, my mom decide to call me Odiv, because she think that is cute and no one have that name.

So, that’s all about me.
Thank you ( ◠‿◠ )
