Prabowo Subianto Djojohadikusumo

Letnan Jendral H. Prabowo Subianto Djojohadikusumo was born in Jakarta, October 17, 1951. He was a retired high-ranking military officer, politician and successful businessman in Indonesia. He studied and worked in the military for 28 years, before working in the world of business and politics.

Prabowo Subianto is one of the sons of an Indonesian economist named Professor Soemitro Djojohadikusumo, who is the founder of BNI 46. Mrs. Prabowo Subianto is named Dora Marie Silalahi. Prabowo Subianto followed his father's belief in Islam, while his younger brother and sister followed the belief of his mother who was a Protestant Christian. Judging from his pedigree, Prabowo Subianto is the grandson of the founder of Bank Indonesia, namely Raden Mas Margono Djojohadikusumo.

Prabowo Subianto attended school in Sumbangsih Jakarta when he was 5 years old. When the PRRI rebellion happened, Prabowo's father brought his family to move to Padang. Then in 1958, Soemitro brought his family back to move to Singapore. In Singapore, Prabowo attends British Elementary School. But in 1962 Soemitro and his family moved back to Hong Kong, due to political turmoil in Singapore. Prabowo's father enrolled a school in Hong Kong for his children at Glenealy Junior School. For two years in Hong Kong, the Soemitro family finally moved back to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Prabowo Subianto attended school in Malaysia as a teenager, the Victoria Institute. In 1963 there was a confrontation between the State of Malaysia and Indonesia, so Soemitro decided with his family to move to Zurich, Switzerland. IN Switzerland, Prabowo attends American International School. At this time he learned to speak German and French. Then the Swiss Government rejected Professor Soemitro's political asylum, so Soemitro and his family moved to England. It was in this English country that Soemitro's family got a permanent permit to stay. However, Prabowo returned to Switzerland to continue his schooling at the American International School until 1968, then returned to live in Indonesia.

In 1970, Prabowo Subianto began his career when he registered and was accepted at the Magelang Military Academy, and graduated in 1976. Also in 1976, he was directly assigned as the Youngest Commander of the Nanggala Team operations in East Timor. After returning to East Timor Prabowo's military career skyrocketed.

In 1983, Prabowo served as Deputy Commander of Detachment 81 Counter Terrorist (Gultor), Special Forces Command of the Indonesian Army (Kopassus). Then after completing the Special Forcess Officer Course training at Fort Benning, United States, he was given responsibility as the Commander of the Cross-Air Infantry Battalion.

When he returned from his assignment from East Timor, Prabowo married Titiek Soeharto, who was the son of the then President, President Soeharto. However, his marriage failed because of Soeharto's resignation from the position of President of the Republic of Indonesia. From this marriage, blessed with a child, Didiet Prabowo, who grew up in Boston, USA, and now lives in Paris, France, works as a designer.

Prabowo during his duties as a military officer was shrouded in various controversies. Many allegations were also directed at him. His allegations included being considered as the mastermind behind the kidnapping of activists during the 1997 Pro Reformation demonstration, in addition to being suspected as the mastermind of the riots in May 1998, and finally there was an assumption that they would coup the existing government at that time. With these things, made Prabowo decided to resign in his military career earlier. The last rank at that time was Lieutenant General.

That background was the beginning Prabowo began his career in the business world. After leaving his military career, he decided to move and settled for a long time in Jordan and several European countries. In the city of Amman, Prabowo was once a representative of the Tirtamas / Comexindo business group.

Upon returning to Indonesia, Prabowo chose to follow in the footsteps of his younger brother's business career, Hashim Djojohadikusum-o, who first entered the business world. His sister is one of the conglomerates in Indonesia.

When abroad, Prabowo was once a Commissioner of the mining oil and gas company in Kazakhstan, Karazanbasmunai. Outside the country, Prabowo is preparing three new businesses to be built in Indonesia, namely in the field of securing mining projects, processing paper and managing energy sources.

In 2001, in Indonesia, Prabowo together with Johan Teguh Sugianto and Widjono Hardjoanto, founded the Nusantara Energy company (Nusantara Group). Prabowo's efforts include mining, plantation and forestry, professional services, paper processing and fisheries.

Reported that currently Praboowo has 17 companies, both inside and outside the country. Here are some of the big businesses owned by the former Kopassus Danjen, in which one company was established in Aceh and five companies in East Kalimantan.

After successfully becoming an entrepreneur, Prabowo began his career in politics, armed with experience and reputation, namely by establishing the Gerindra party. As we know Prabowo had several times nominated himself as president or deputy.

Many children thought that Prabowo was quite successful in business. In the 2009 presidential election, Prabowo's total assets were 1.579 trillion. In 2014, Prabowo's assets were reported as Rp. 1.6 trillion. In the 2018 presidential election, based on the report on State assets, Prabowo's wealth reached Rp. 1.9 trillion.

“bagi saya satu musuh terlalu banyak,
seribu kawan terlalu sedikit”
-Prabowo Subianto-

