Suggestion & Offer

Independence Day

Ayu : Hi Iki, are you well? What’s with the face?

Iki : Oh, hi Ayu, i’m okay, thanks. I just not in a good mood.

Ayu : When I‘m not in a good mood I always eat a lot of chocolate. So, would you like some of my chocolate? I bought it at the supermarket.

Iki : Thanks, that’s very kind of you.

Ayu : So, why you are not in a good mood?

Iki : I’m chosen to be the chief committee of independence day event in our housing, but to be honest I don’t want to be the chief committee. Do you have any suggestion?

Ayu : I think you should accept it, it is not a bad idea. You should finish your job immediately because only one month left.

Iki : Ok, do you have any idea?

Ayu : If I were you, first, I would look members for the event.

Iki : That’s a good idea. Would you like to be the first member?

Ayu : Yes, I’d love to.

Iki : Thank you so much, what division you want to get in?

Ayu : I’m good at drafting events, what about event division?

Iki : Sounds great, you can be the coordinator of the division.

Ayu : Ok, that’s good.

Iki : Because now you are a committee, do you already have an idea for the event?

Ayu : I just thought a few minutes ago and I already have a general description for the event.

Iki : What is it?

Ayu : I have two option, option one is we can hold the event and competitions in our housing field. The event will have a theme and visitors must wear clothes according to the theme. What about that?

Iki : I'm not sure about that. Because of the corona pandemic, we have to do social distancing so I'm not sure they'll come and we wont get permission.

Ayu : That’s why I have option two, what about online event? 

Iki : I think it is good, but how?

Ayu : We can use Zoom meeting. For the entertaining event, we can invite an artist and ask the artist to performing online by Zoom. For the competitions, we can do online games such as Mobile Legend or Ludo and Chess for the older. The competitions can be joined by anyone at their home and for those who want to watch the competitions we can do screen sharing. 

Iki : Wow! Sounds very great. I’m up for it!

Ayu : Thanks, let’s do our best for the event!

Iki : Okay! But first, let's go to the photocopy to make a poster announcing we are opening recruitments for this event.

Ayu : Ok, may I give you a ride?

Iki : Thank you for your kindness, but I also ride a motorcycle.

Ayu : Alright, let’s meet in the photocopy.

Iki : Alright.
